Master planned by Jurong Constructions, Singapore, Mahindra World City, Jaipur will be truly international in every way. From wide roads to seamless Internet connectivity, every little detail will be taken care of. Also a unique plug–n–play format will offer a quick start–up and reduced cost of ownership.
Mahindra World City will house a Multi Product SEZ, which will give investors the added advantage of fiscal, commercial and operational benefits including tax holidays, hassle–free operations and a range of other advantages.
Fail–safe utilities in the form of stable power through an in–zone sub–station and unlimited bandwidth through an optic fibre network make setting up facilities at Mahindra World City a breeze.
Given the wide and varied needs of its occupants, the design and plan of Mahindra World City, Jaipur lays emphasis on flexibility and customization thereby providing occupants with a wide range of occupancy formats.
The business facilities will be complemented by an exclusive lifestyle which would include premium housing within walking distance from the place of work and modern social amenities providing the occupants of Mahindra World City, Jaipur a whole new way of life.